/What we do
Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational extracurricular that teach valuable skills to middle school students such as diplomacy, public speaking, technical writing, detailed and realistic logistical planning and international affairs.
Pre-Conference Preparation Phase:
First, the delegate or double-delegates, (treated as one person), receives a country and committee assignment. The person or pair research the committee and country intensively in order to fully assume the character of the country (the country's perspectives, their motivations, their goals). To demonstrate a full understanding of their country and its goals in context of the committee topics, the delegate is required to write an expository paper summarizing the importance of discussing the topic, the reasoning of the country's perspectives and goals, and how the delegate will approach solving the issue during debate.
Day-Of Committee Sessions Phase:
Delegates are recommended to prepare their opening speech (during the Primary Speaker's List) where they describe how aggravating the issue has become around the world and most importantly for their country as well as what specific topics they hope to debate over during session. Then as debate begins with Secondary Speaker's List and other forms of debate (Moderated Caucus, Unmoderated Caucus, ​Consultation of the Whole) delegates must begin to engage in debate with each other and discuss what approach to take to solving the issue. After different perspectives are thoroughly argued, delegates come together in blocs to write a resolution following the UN's format that outlines their plan to tackle the issue.
Post-Conference Phase:
Delegates are encouraged to reflect on their experience. Stepping out of their character, how effective was their resolution? What (ignoring politics) would be the most effective way to solve the issue? How do we get the whole globe to truly begin enacting these changes?
Volunteer. Get involved in your community. Learn about world issues.
Our goal is to inspire the MUN community to develop their passion in international affairs and community service.
Check out How2MUN.com for more opportunities to learn and get involved with MUN!
​Thank you for your interest in the Junior Model United Nations community!